Friday, July 3, 2009


Real change comes from deep within, and it comes in one's own time.

Your life can dramatically change for the better when you make the decision to take simple decisive steps like these, one at a time.
Decide to adopt a positive attitude.
Resolve to be kind in all circumstances.
Refuse to give up despite all obstacles.
Leave the past behind and move on.

solving problems

Yet complex answers seldom solve complex problems. We can best deal with the process of change by taking simple steps, one at a time, and doing so with thoughtfulness and patience.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Less is more

A word about stuff: Less is more. What it costs to own things is enormous in the time spent acquiring it, the mileage spent exchanging it, the real estate required to store it, the outlay to clean, repair, and update it, the stress of losing it, and the agony of ruining it.